Hire Rates
Local Rate (Parish Residents) £13.00/hour (Preparation time £6.50/hour)
Outside Parish £17.00/hour (Preparation £8.50/hour)
Day rate £110 (please contact Lisa to discuss)
Field hire £65
Licence Fee £12.00 (If you wish to provide alcohol or entertainment you must apply to the Committee for a Licence)
Electric cards for kitchen power £2.00 (subject to change due to rising fuel costs)
Booking Clerk/Caretaker: Lisa Bryan
6 Jeffs Close
Lower Brailes
Nr. Banbury Oxon. OX15 5AL
Tel. Mob: 07800 771368
Please contact Lisa Bryan on 07800 771368 or email enquiries@braileshallandpavilion.co.uk for any queries.